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Planning for Great Photos!

Your family photos can be fun and a cherished, lasting memory that you’ll probably want to hang in your home or send to family members who may want to print and hang in their homes. Let’s make sure that we make them as special as possible by doing a little preparation!


  • Brainstorm about specific props, family treasures, or special types of images you want captured. Some families may want to dress up, create something special for a loved one living far away, or capture photos with a special stuffed animal or keepsake. I am always open to capturing something fun, and maybe a little wacky.. Honestly, the more fun and authentic, the better. If you have any ideas, I am always open!

  • Prepare your entire family that photos are happening. Tell them you will be “seeing their new friend or friend Devon on Saturday” or “going to Chuckie Harris Park to play!” and that I’ll be taking photos and the more it’s kept casual and fun, the better it usually is. That often works well for shy kiddos, and I do enjoy working with repeat families, so that does make it easier as time goes on and they typically remember me.  I also tend to wear colorful, patterned fun (maybe not adult?!) clothes and ask the kids questions about themselves in a casual way, so kids tend to warm up pretty quickly.

  • Brainstorm about specific props, family treasures, or special types of images you want captured. Some families may want to dress up, create something special for a loved one living far away, or capture photos with a special stuffed animal or keepsake. I am always open to capturing something fun, and maybe a little wacky.. Honestly, the more fun and authentic, the better. If you have any ideas, I am always open!

  • Will you want to include your furry friends? They are welcome if the setting allows.

  • Make sure everyone gets a good night’s sleep, is hydrated and has eaten beforehand. It sounds silly to say, but we want everyone to be happy. And I dunno about you, but I look rough if I am tired and dehydrated. I will always schedule around (and move appointment times if needed at the last minute!) to make sure everyone is in the good mood, if we can make it happen.

What to Wear:

  • If we are meeting outdoors, make sure to dress for the weather and make sure you and your family will be cozy, first and foremost.

  • You don’t necessarily need to match - unless you want to.  It is helpful to consider if you’re wearing colors that compliment each other.  A helpful way to think about it is if you plan to hang the photos up, what do you envision your family to be wearing in those photos?

  • Wear comfortable clothes that YOU and YOUR FAMILY are comfortable in. If something is too tight, too short (bending/moving around) it is often another thing for you or a family member to think about, or me coordinating if someone needs readjustment during the photos, so just make sure everyone is really comfortable in their clothes.

  • HURRAY FOR ACCESSORIES! Bowties, belts, cute suspenders, hats, flower headbands, extra fun skirts for girls, or some fun earrings, jewelry, or a fresh manicure for parents can really let personality shine through in the photos. Whatever makes it feel fun. Bold and bright accessories are helpful to have great points of interest and make your photos fun and lively.

Please Bring:

  • A change of clothes for the kids, if needed. If you’ve got a little one who is maybe prone to spit ups, it’s often best to change them right before their photos, and bring a back up outfit with you just in case it happens again.  It doesn’t hurt to bring a backup set in case of spills, accidents, etc for older kids if things are muddy or messy outside, though we will do our best to stay tidy.

  • Anything needed for a quick touch up! In the masked world, we often need a brush, a lipstick reapplication, and make sure you bring anything you might need.

  • Snacks and/or BRIBES! Don’t mention treat bribes unless they are needed at the moment and things are going real south. Save as a treat for after if the kids do a great job.

  • If we're including a pet in your family photos, their favorite snack or squeaky toy is PERFECT to bring!


  • I’m am alway looking for casual, natural interactions and fun, family moments. I strive to capture sweet moments, so while it’s awesome to get some posed photos, if we can get some casual loving moments, those are the best. Not everyone needs to be looking at the camera at all times, and sometimes focusing on family and  being authentic with each other and letting me capture that moment results in the best photos. Oftentimes, a spouse or children may feel more comfortable that way too!

  • Help me create more candid shots by keeping the mood light and making it fun and casual for your family.

  • I'll help you reposition as needed. The more photos we get, the more of a special collection of photos you’ll have celebrating your family!

  • Don’t worry about everything being perfect: if someone gets a little crabby during photos, it’s just best to help try to lighten the mood collectively and know it doesn't have to be perfect and, usually, someone being cranky doesn’t show up in photos.  Or, if it does, it’ll results in some hilarious outtakes!


  • After your session, I will be working hard behind the scenes to identify the best photos. I will share your photos as soon as they are ready, and will share the best photos.

  • Once you have your photos, don’t forget to have them printed! Try to keep it #loyal2local in Somerville if you can for frames & photo printing if you can.

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Family dog portrait
Family photo by Devon Moos Photography

It’s my pleasure to bring you and your family memorable, fun and cherished photos that will last a lifetime.

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